Python Anti-Keylogging Tool

Python Anti-Keylogging Tool

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First of all, it is important to state that when I was doing my research on existing anti-keylogging tools in the industry, MOST of my findings led me to keylogging software in all shapes and forms. That said, I figured I'd rather build my own python tool that will perform most of the functions that an anti-keylogging application does.

What exactly is a keylogger? In simple terms, a keylogger is a hardware or software program designed to secretly monitor and log all keystrokes while an anti-keylogger is a software that helps detect presence of installed keyloggers. They can be used for tracking user activity as well as third party activities on a computer. However, as we all know, the ethical boundary between justified monitoring and espionage is a fine line.

The basic functionality of this anti-keylogging tool is that it will utilize an anti-hook mechanism which discovers all the processes that uses hooks within a system. This technique is based on the SetWindowsHookEx command which is used to install the hook and this API lies under the banner of USER32.LIB. The main objective of the anti-hook technique is to find out the SetWindowHookEx command in the processes and their respective dynamic link libraries.

This tool is specifically designed to meet the under listed functional requirements for it to perform effectively;

  1. Receive user input and execute
  2. Display scan progress
  3. Provide outputs of results in a readable format
  4. Create error logs

Below is the source code of the tool;

import json
from subprocess import check_output
import os
import io, pyfiglet
from turtle import width
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import time, sys
from tqdm import tqdm


# Create a pop-up window 
layout = [[sg.Text("Do you wish to scan the system? Press OK to continue")], [sg.Button("OK"), sg.Button("Cancel")]]

window = sg.Window("Anti Keylogger Tool", layout)

# Create an event loop
while True:
    event, values =
    # End program if user presses Cancel or closes window & runs the program if user presses the OK button
    if event == "OK":
        if event == "Cancel" or event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:


class Process(object):

    def __init__(self, proc_info):
        print(proc_info) = proc_info[1]
        self.cmd = proc_info[0]

    def name(self):
        return '%s' % self.cmd

    def procid(self):
        return '%s' %

# Create the action to be taken when a keylogger is identified
def kill_logger(key_pid):

    response = input("\n\nDo you want to stop this process: y/n ?")
    if (response == "y" or response == "Y"):
     os.system('taskkill /f /im ' + key_pid )

    #    pass

def get_process_list():
    process_list = []
    sub_process = str(check_output("tasklist", shell=True).decode())
    x = io.StringIO(sub_process)
    for line in x :
        line = line.split()
        if len(line) > 0:


    return process_list

if __name__ == "__main__":

    process_list = get_process_list()
    def loading():
        print (pyfiglet.figlet_format("Anti Keylogger Tool",justify="center",width=110))
        print ("Searching for KeyLoggers....")
        for i in tqdm (range (100),desc="Loading....", ascii=False, ncols=95):
        print("Scanning Completed.")


    process_cmd = []
    process_pid = []

    for process in process_list:

l1 = open("ioc.json", "r")
l1 = json.loads(
dict1 = l1

record = 0
flag = 1

for x in process_cmd:
    for y in dict1:
        if (x.find(y['name']) > -1):
            print("KeyLogger Detected: \nThe following proccess may be a key logger: \n\n\t" + process_pid[
                record] + " ---> " + x)
            flag = 0
    record += 1

if (flag):
    print("\nNo Keylogger Detected")

For smooth execution, install the following dependencies in python (if you haven't already;

In addition, the detection and termination of keyloggers present within a system is achieved by scanning the system for presence of keylogging processes and sub processes and comparing them against a json file of known keyloggers.

However, there is still need to capture many more keyloggers' signatures to increase the effectiveness of the tool and for scalability purposes.

Please feel free to contribute to the project on my Github page, share any thoughts or ideas on how we can improve the tool further.
